You'll Never Reach Your Full Potential if You're Eating Like Shit

Erika Hoffmaster RD, LDN- Nutrition for Entrepreneurs 


It takes a lot of energy to be a successful entrepreneur.

Increasing your energy level can improve performance, creativity, productivity, mental acuteness, and stamina; all things that’ll make you a killer business owner. 

Taking care of your body doesn't have to feel like punishment. Small changes to your nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress level can help you get more shit done and change your life. Seriously. 

The excuse of "not having time" is bullshit. Eating healthier and moving your body actually buys you back time by making you more energized and productive.

You’ll never achieve your full potential if you’re eating like shit.


Start with building awareness:

  • Journaling your food and drink intake can give you a starting point from which to make tweaks if needed.  

  • Food Journaling makes you more aware of your eating habits, identifies any missing nutrients in your diet, and gives you insight into what works and doesn't work for you to feel your best.  

Set yourself up for success:

  • Meal prep is essential for busy entrepreneurs. It's a time and money saver that lowers stress around food decisions, decreases temptations, and minimizes time in the kitchen.  

  • There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to meal prep. It doesn't have to be tedious and bland or take up your entire Sunday. It should be based on your schedule and what works for you. Start with the meals and snacks that need the most attention first.  

  • You can prepare full recipes and portion them out to have each day of the week, or you can batch-cook meal components and mix and match them throughout the week to create new meals. Each week, batch-cook 2-3 types of protein, 2-3 types of carbs, lots of non-starchy vegetables and then mix and match them with healthy fats and different spices, dressings, sauces, etc. to create a variety of meals for each day of the week.

  • Have your groceries delivered with a service like InstaCart or Prime Now. LIFESAVER!

Stop skipping meals:

  • Working straight through your lunch break needs to stop immediately. You may think skipping meals while working "saves time," but ultimately, it’ll slow you down with decreased energy, concentration, and sluggishness.

  • It's important to eat regular and balanced meals throughout the day to help prevent blood sugar swings (dips and spikes) that can affect your energy, mood and focus.  

  • When you skip meals, you also run the risk of being famished before your next meal and eating waaaay too much at that meal. This cycle of overeating/binging is terrible for self-esteem and confidence.

  • On the flip side, eating regular meals keeps your engine fueled properly for a busy, productive AF day.

  • Balance your meals. A proper mix of Carbs, Fats, and Proteins (macronutrients) in your diet is essential for a well-functioning metabolism, balanced blood sugar, built and maintained muscle mass, increased energy, fat loss, and for overall good health and wellbeing.   

  • Fill ½ your plate with non-starchy veggies, ¼ with high Protein foods, and ¼ with Carbohydrates.    

Mindful eating:

  • Choose foods that’ll satisfy your body — and your mind. If you don't enjoy what you’re eating, you’ll feel full but not satisfied and will probably overeat later in the day. 

  • Eat without distractions. Move away from your computer, TV or phone (I promise the world will not end if you take 20 minutes to eat your meal).  When you take the time to eat and enjoy your food mindfully, you can give your body's signals your full attention. As a result, you’re less likely to overeat.   

  • Reconnect with hunger and fullness cues to help guide your decisions to begin and end eating. This’ll help you tell the difference between true physical hunger and “hunger” triggered by boredom, time of day, or food availability.  

Proper hydration:

  • Stay hydrated throughout the day to prevent fatigue. Even mild dehydration, usually way before you even feel thirsty, can cause a decrease in energy and loss of focus. Tip: if you feel sluggish, chug a big glass of water and do 30 seconds of jumping jacks. It’s basically metabolic espresso.

  • You get the added bonus of decreased under-eye bags and glowing skin with adequate water intake!

  • Keep a reusable water bottle with you as a visual reminder to sip throughout the day and to have access to it in any situation. 

  • Eat more foods high in water to increase fluid intake but also to get the added benefits of their vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Win-Win!   

Adequate sleep each night needs to be a non-negotiable:

  • Sleep easily gets put on the back burner when we need to finish up some work or binge on Netflix. Sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise when it comes to improving your health and reaching your business goals. A good night's sleep has been linked to improved immune function, weight control, better skin, lower risk of cardiovascular disease, enhanced athletic performance, improved brain function, increased productivity, focus, and energy.  

  • To improve Sleep…

    • Set and keep a regular sleep and wake time, even on weekends

    • Reduce blue light exposure at least 1hr before bed (no phone/TV/Tablet etc.)

    • Get regular exercise

    • Make your bedroom a "cave" - Cool, Dark AF, and Quiet

    • Your bedroom should be clean and an enjoyable space

    • No caffeine after 2 pm or within 6 hours of bedtime

    • Stop drinking alcohol 3 hours before bedtime

    • Take a hot bath or shower before bed

Move your body:

  • Exercise decreases stress and anxiety, boosts mood, improves alertness, increases energy, and improves sleep.

  • Shoot for at least 150 to 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 to 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity cardio. Top it off with muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups on two or more days a week.

  • Don't forget your NEAT! Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy used when not sleeping or exercising. Taking the stairs, doing yard work, fidgeting, cleaning your house, parking far from the store entrance, playing with the kids, shopping (YAY!), using a standing desk instead of sitting are all examples of NEAT. The accumulation of the calories burned from all of these small activities throughout the day add up. The NEAT you do during the hours outside of the time you spend at the gym is equally important for your overall health and weight control.

Don't be reliant on caffeine:

  • When you fuel your body properly, sleep well, and exercise to improve your energy levels, you can say goodbye to that afternoon caffeine fix. Buy some new shoes (or WFH comfy outfits) with the money you’ll save when you don't need that afternoon coffee run to get you through the day.

Resources & Refs

Fav food tracker



Fav kitchen stuff:

Storage Containers

3 Compartment Storage Containers

Meal Prep Containers

Egg Cooker

Meal services:

Green Chef

Blue Apron


Hello Fresh

Grocery delivery (LIFE SAVER!!):

Tip: even if you’re traveling you can set up a grocery delivery to your hotel the day before you arrive.


Fresh Direct

Fav at-home fitness stuff:

7 Minute Workout App (free)

SWEAT: Kayla Itsines Fitness (monthly subscription) 

Aerobic Stepper

Resistance Bands

Model: Nora Minno (another dietitian)

Photography: Jenny Champion (yet another dietitian)