How to Start an Interior Design Company
Featuring: Katy & Elissa, Swell Design Co.
If you’re motivated and savvy you can turn your decor addiction into a thriving interior design business.
Before launch…
Do some research. See what your peers are doing. Where did they go to school? How did they get where they are in business?
Find your niche. What can you do that no one else is doing?
If you’re unsure about going solo, find a partner with complimentary skills.
Pick your biz name (make sure no one already owns it) then snag social media accounts.
Design a logo that stands out (or hire someone to do it for you).
Set goals. Create a vision for the future and work toward it with everything you do.
After launch…
Start talking about it.
Get your ass on Instagram and Pinterest. Post inspo pics while you’re growing your portfolio (always credit/tag the source for good biz karma). Also, be sure to share visuals that represent your style (duh).
Take on a few practice projects to fine tune your process — and build a bank of testimonials while you’re at it.
Connect with local businesses. Look for ways to collab.
Start securing your referral network: contractors, suppliers, realtors, etc.
Once you start making money, invest it back in the biz. Priority #1: choose and form your business entity. Priority #2: stellar photography.
Resources & Refs
USPTO- make sure your biz name is available
Canva- free logo design tool
Adobe- not free logo design tools
Fiverr- hire someone to design your logo
Brandscaping- a whole bunch of ideas for biz collabs
How to Hire an Interior Photographer
LegalZoom- DIY business filing
Photography: Jenny Champion